About Your Coach

 Hi, I'm Brendan Francis

I had to learn to embrace discomfort and now I love it. It lets me know that I am growing. But it took years to learn.

My goal as a Physique & Nutrition Coach is to enable you to do the same. To give you the confidence to change, to transform and to grow beyond your limiting beliefs. 

Discovering my strengths took years. Forgiving myself for failures took years, but once I let go of fear, guilt and shame, I realized that there were no limits. My first step was embracing painful truths and conquering self deception.

Since becoming a coach, I have surrounded myself with people that I admire, people that inspire, people that have something to teach, and from whom I can learn. I know that new habits present challenges, but with the right mind and actions, you become a tank. 

My purpose is to pass along the knowledge, strength and resolve that my wins and losses have taught me.

Come along for the ride of your life.

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Imagine The Possibilities

The path of transformation is to exit false comfort into true discomfort, where you grow... Only then will you have True Contentment.

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